I'm going to the southern part of Korean peninsula to work as a volunteer for a year, starting in August. I'll write about stuff I experience during my voluntary year - about my work and freetime.
Monday, December 16, 2013
Sunday, December 15, 2013
Music of life
Kävin katsomassa syyskuussa Bonnie and Clyde musikaalin, lähinnä halusin nähdä sen, koska SHINeen Key oli yksi pääosanäyttelijöistä. Tietenkään en ollut katsonut aikatauluja ennakkoon ja hän ei ollut esiintymässä juuri sinä päivänä kun musikaalin kävin katsomassa. Kaikesta huolimatta musikaali oli upea sekä se oli tekstitetty japaniksi, joten en ollut koko aikaa ihan pihalla. Kaikenlisäksi entinen isäntäperheeni auttoi minua ostamaan lipun musikaaliin, joten sain 120 000 wonin lipun 30 000 wonilla, mikä vain edesauttoi sitä ettei Keyn poissaolo haitannut niin suuresti.
I went to see Bonnie and Clyde musical on September mostly because SHINees' Key was playing main part in it. Of course I didn't check the dates in advance and Key wasn't playing in his part on the day when I went to see the musical. Despite to that the musical was great and it was also subtitled in japanese so I wasn't totally lost all the time. Also my ex family helped me to get the ticket so they got me a discount ticket with only 30 000 won (regular price was 120 000 won) so also because of the price I didn't feel that bad eventhough Key wasn't there on that day.
I went to see Bonnie and Clyde musical on September mostly because SHINees' Key was playing main part in it. Of course I didn't check the dates in advance and Key wasn't playing in his part on the day when I went to see the musical. Despite to that the musical was great and it was also subtitled in japanese so I wasn't totally lost all the time. Also my ex family helped me to get the ticket so they got me a discount ticket with only 30 000 won (regular price was 120 000 won) so also because of the price I didn't feel that bad eventhough Key wasn't there on that day.
Kävin myös Denisen kanssa Gangnam Hallyu Festivaalissa, joka järjestettiin syyskuun alussa. Kyseessä oli Gangnamissa järjestetty ilmaiskonsertti, jossa esiintyi Infinite, Girls' Day, EXO ja jotain muita, joita nyt en muista sekä... SHINee, joka järjesti kyseisessä tapahtumassa special comeback stagen. Menimme paikalle neljän pintaan (konsertti alkoi kahdeksan aikoihin) ja se oli jo täynnä hulluja fanityttöjä, emmekä saaneet lippua varsinaiselle konsertti alueelle, mutta konsertin alettua saimme suhteellisen hyvät paikat ja lopulta juuri ennen SHINeetä pääsimme seisomaan aidan päälle ja tilan puutteen vuoksi vietimme puolet ajasta puskassa. Ilta oli kaikesta huolimatta melkein täydellinen, lukuunottamatta yhtä puuta joka peitti suurimman osan ajasta Onewn, mutta akrobatian avulla siitäkin haitasta selvittiin!
I also went to see Gangnam Hally Festival with Denise which was held in the beginning of September. The festival was held in Gangnam and it was a free concert with Infinite, Girls' Day, EXO and some others that I can't recall... also SHINee was performing in there. They held their special comeback stage on that day. We went there around 4pm (the concert started around 8pm) and it was already full of crazy fangirls. We couldn't get the ticket to the area but once the concert started we were able to get a good spot in the area next to stage. Finally once SHINee was supposed to start we got a place on a fence and we could see almost perfectly from there. Even that we had to stand almost the full time in a bush and a tree was covering Onew almost all the time, the concert was almost perfect and with little acrobatics we could survive from the obstacles.

I also went to see Gangnam Hally Festival with Denise which was held in the beginning of September. The festival was held in Gangnam and it was a free concert with Infinite, Girls' Day, EXO and some others that I can't recall... also SHINee was performing in there. They held their special comeback stage on that day. We went there around 4pm (the concert started around 8pm) and it was already full of crazy fangirls. We couldn't get the ticket to the area but once the concert started we were able to get a good spot in the area next to stage. Finally once SHINee was supposed to start we got a place on a fence and we could see almost perfectly from there. Even that we had to stand almost the full time in a bush and a tree was covering Onew almost all the time, the concert was almost perfect and with little acrobatics we could survive from the obstacles.

Konserttia edeltävänä päivänä järjestettiin Seoul YMCAn 110-vuotis juhlatapahtuma, johon meidän vapaaehtoisten piti osallistua. Suurin osa meistä työskentelee YMCAssä ja ICYE on osa YMCAta, joten meidän oletettiin olevan paikalla. Tapahtuman aikana teimme noin tunnin mittaisen kävelyn Namsanin ympäristössä ja tapahtumassa oli myös arpajaiset. Palkintoina oli kaikkea makuupusseista, polkupyöriin ja kameroihin. Arpaonni ei tietenkään osunut kohdalleni, mutta ei maailma siihen kaadu. Meillä oli todella hauskaa ja tapahtuman päätteeksi jäin viettämään aikaa ystävien kanssa Jongnoon. Samaiseen juhlaan liittyen kävimme pari viikkoa sitten lounaalla Lotte Hotellilla, joka oli samalla YMCAn 110-vuotis juhlaseremonia, joten tapahtuma kesti monta tuntia ja sisälsi monenlaista ohjelmaa aina lauluesityksistä taekwondoon ja puheisiin.
A day before the concert Seoul YMCA had an occasion, regarding to their 110 year birthday, which we had to take part. Most of the volunteers work in YMCA and ICYE is part of YMCA so they expected us to join the occasion. During the occasion we made an-hour-long hike in Namsan and there was some other programs too. One of them was lottery, the prices were everything from sleeping bags to bicycles and cameras. I wasn't lucky enough to win anything but we had a nice day. We also took part in a 110-birthday ceremony two weeks ago in Lotte Hotel. We could get a fancy lunch and had to stay in the hotel for many hours since the ceremony had many performances, for example singing, speeches and taekwondo.

A day before the concert Seoul YMCA had an occasion, regarding to their 110 year birthday, which we had to take part. Most of the volunteers work in YMCA and ICYE is part of YMCA so they expected us to join the occasion. During the occasion we made an-hour-long hike in Namsan and there was some other programs too. One of them was lottery, the prices were everything from sleeping bags to bicycles and cameras. I wasn't lucky enough to win anything but we had a nice day. We also took part in a 110-birthday ceremony two weeks ago in Lotte Hotel. We could get a fancy lunch and had to stay in the hotel for many hours since the ceremony had many performances, for example singing, speeches and taekwondo.

Olemme viime aikoina Denisen kanssa unohtaneet Cube Cafen ja vierailleet sen sijaan koirakahvilassa viikottain. Sisäänpääsy maksaa 8000 wonia ja sillä saa juoman sekä luvan viettää aikaa koirien kanssa. Yleensä aika kuluu nopeasti ja päädymme viettämään aina kolmisen tuntia koirien kanssa. Koirakahvilat eivät ole yhtä kuulusia Koreassa kuin kissakahvilat, mutta yksi vieläkin oudompi kahvila johon olen täällä törmännyt on lammaskahvila, missä vierailin Lauran ja Merin kanssa. Olemme myös löytäneet kalakahvilan, jossa aiomme vierailla joku kaunis päivä.
Lately we haven't been going to Cube Cafe much since we found a new love, Dog cafe. The entrance fee is 8000 won and you get one drink with that money also you can spend as long as you want in the cafe. Usually we end up staying there for many hours since the time runs while we are there.
Lately we haven't been going to Cube Cafe much since we found a new love, Dog cafe. The entrance fee is 8000 won and you get one drink with that money also you can spend as long as you want in the cafe. Usually we end up staying there for many hours since the time runs while we are there.

Tosiaan kävin Lauran ja Merin kanssa Everland nimisessä huvipuistossa. Huvipuistoa voisi kuvailla Disney Worldien kaltaiseksi, ihmiset menevät sinne lähinnä kaiken muun paitsi laitteiden takia. Emme itsekään käyneet kovin monessa laitteessa, mutta alue oli kokonaisuudessaan todella iso ja kaunis, hyvin upealla paikalla keskellä metsää! Vietimme paljon aikaa Myeongdongilla shoppailun merkeissä, vierailimme myös Namsan Towerissa sekä Namsan Hanok Villagessa.
I visited the Everland theme park with Laura and Meri. The theme park could be described as Disney World, people go there to see almost everything else expect for the amusement rides. We ourselves didn't visit that many rides but the theme park itself was big and beautiful, in the middle of forest! We spended a lot of time in Myeongdong while shopping and we also visited the Namsan Tower and the Namsan Hanok Village.
I visited the Everland theme park with Laura and Meri. The theme park could be described as Disney World, people go there to see almost everything else expect for the amusement rides. We ourselves didn't visit that many rides but the theme park itself was big and beautiful, in the middle of forest! We spended a lot of time in Myeongdong while shopping and we also visited the Namsan Tower and the Namsan Hanok Village.
Yhden päivän vietimme siinä kun kävimme DMZ kiertueella. Kiertoalue alkoi Imjingakista, jossa olinkin vieraillut jo aikaisemmin isäntäperheeni kanssa. Sieltä siirryimme isommalla turistibussilla itse DMZ:n sisälle Dorasanin asemalle ja observatorioon. Kävimme myös kolmannessa soluttautumis tunnelissa, jonka pohjoiskorealaiset ovat rakentaneet ja se löydettiin 1978. Saimme myös lyhyestä varausajasta johtumatta paikat turistibussiin, joka vei meidät Nami saarelle, joka on pieni "itsehallinnon omaava" saari noin kahden tunnin päästä Seoulista ja siellä on kuvattu Winter Sonata niminen sarja. Saari oli todellakin hyvin pieni, mutta sitäkin kauniimpi.
One day we spended in the DMZ tour. The tour started in Imjingak, where I had already visited with my hostfamily. From there we took new tourist bus and headed inside the DMZ to visit the Dorasan station and observatory. We also went to 3th Infiltration Tunnel, which is made by North Koreans and it was found in 1978 by South Koreans. Despite to the short time of notice we could get seats on a touristbus that took us to Namiseom, which is a little self-governing island about two hours ride away from Seoul. Korean drama "Winter Sonata" was filmed in the island and it become more popular after the drama aired. The island was really small desbite to that the beauty of the island was magnificent.

One day we spended in the DMZ tour. The tour started in Imjingak, where I had already visited with my hostfamily. From there we took new tourist bus and headed inside the DMZ to visit the Dorasan station and observatory. We also went to 3th Infiltration Tunnel, which is made by North Koreans and it was found in 1978 by South Koreans. Despite to the short time of notice we could get seats on a touristbus that took us to Namiseom, which is a little self-governing island about two hours ride away from Seoul. Korean drama "Winter Sonata" was filmed in the island and it become more popular after the drama aired. The island was really small desbite to that the beauty of the island was magnificent.
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