Taas on ehtinyt kulua tovi siitä kun viimeksi blogia päivittelin, pahoitteluni siitä. Olen viimeisen kahden kuukauden aikana sairastellut todella paljon, lähinnä ilmaston ja lämmityksen (eristeiden) puutteen takia. Koreaan on saapunut talvi, ensilumet ovat jo sataneet ja jääneet maahan, sekä kylmyys on saapunut. Lämpötilat vielä heittelevät suuresti, mutta yöllä lämpötilat ovat poikkeuksetta nollan alapuolella ja hotellin eristeiden johdosta huoneissa on todella kylmä. Muutin tämän viikon alussa uuteen huoneeseen, jossa on toimiva lämmitys joten yöllinen kylmyys ei enää häiritse niin paljoa kuin edellisessä huoneessa.
Again it has been too long since my last update, I'm really sorry. During the last two months I've been sick many times, mostly because of the change on the weather and also because the heating wasn't working that well (and the lack of insulations in the buildings). The winter has arrived to Korea, first snow came and stayed and the cold weather has arrived as well. The temparature changes a lot, during nights it's mostly under zero degrees and the temparature in the rooms are pretty cold during nights. I changed a room on Monday and the heating is working in there, so the cold weather doesn't bother that much anymore.
Again it has been too long since my last update, I'm really sorry. During the last two months I've been sick many times, mostly because of the change on the weather and also because the heating wasn't working that well (and the lack of insulations in the buildings). The winter has arrived to Korea, first snow came and stayed and the cold weather has arrived as well. The temparature changes a lot, during nights it's mostly under zero degrees and the temparature in the rooms are pretty cold during nights. I changed a room on Monday and the heating is working in there, so the cold weather doesn't bother that much anymore.
Kuten viime kerralla kerroinkin, aion kirjoittaa vähän enemmän vapaa-ajastani nyt, sillä edelliset merkinnät ovat olleet suhteellisen työ ja isäntäperhe painoitteisia. Emma palasi Yhdysvaltoihin marraskuun alussa, Mari lähti takaisin Suomeen viime viikolla ja Malena on tällä hetkellä kiertelemässä Aasiaa, mutta palaa Tanskaan ennen joulua. Asuin pari viikkoa Denisen ja Katyn kanssa, mutta nyt asun Marcyn kanssa. Tietoa isäntäperheistä ei ole, eikä asumisolosuhteiden muuttumisesta muutenkaan. Voi siis olla, että koko vuosi tullaan viettämään hotellissa!
As I told last time I'm going to talk about my freetime a little more now, since the last posts were mostly about work and host family. Emma returned to States in the beginning of November, Mari went back to Finland last week and Malena is currently travelling around Asia, but is going to return to Denmark before Christmas. I stayed in a same room with Denise and Katy before, but now I'm living with Marcy. There's no information about host families and about the change of the living situtations. Probably we're going to stay the whole year in the hotel.
As I told last time I'm going to talk about my freetime a little more now, since the last posts were mostly about work and host family. Emma returned to States in the beginning of November, Mari went back to Finland last week and Malena is currently travelling around Asia, but is going to return to Denmark before Christmas. I stayed in a same room with Denise and Katy before, but now I'm living with Marcy. There's no information about host families and about the change of the living situtations. Probably we're going to stay the whole year in the hotel.
Töissä on alkanut sujumaan todella hyvin. Rakastan melkein jokaista hetkeä työpaikallani, työkaverini ovat todella mukavia ja yrittävät ottaa kontaktia kielimuurista huolimatta ja kielitaitoni on parantunut jonkin verran. Lapset ovat vihdoin voittaneet esteet ujouden kanssa ja olen saanut ystäviä heidän joukostaan. Kehitysvammaiset lapsetkin ovat tottuneet seuraani ja yhdessä lapsessa on tapahtunut huomatta muutos. Hän oli aiemmin todella väkivaltainen muita lapsia kohtaan, sekä välillä myös opettajia kohtaan, mutta kun olen antanut huomiota pelkästään hänelle sekä leikkinyt hänen kanssaan viimeiset kaksi kuukautta on hänen väkivaltaisuutensa vähentynyt huomattavasti. Hän on myös alkanut pikku hiljaa oppimaan missä menee raja, mikä sattuu ja mikä on leikkiä. Voin siis sanoa, että olen tehnyt edes jotain hyvää täällä ollessani.
At work it's finally started to go well. I love almost every moment at there, my co-workers are really nice and they try to contact me even that there's the language barrier and I've started to learn a little bit more Korean. The kids at my work are finally starting to win their shyness and I've made friends among them. The disabled kids are also starting to get to know me and I've started to notice a change in one of the kids. He used to be violent but now that I've started to pay attention on him and played with him his aggression towards other has started to decrease. He has also started to learn where's the border, what hurts and what is playing. So I could say that I've done a little good in here.
At work it's finally started to go well. I love almost every moment at there, my co-workers are really nice and they try to contact me even that there's the language barrier and I've started to learn a little bit more Korean. The kids at my work are finally starting to win their shyness and I've made friends among them. The disabled kids are also starting to get to know me and I've started to notice a change in one of the kids. He used to be violent but now that I've started to pay attention on him and played with him his aggression towards other has started to decrease. He has also started to learn where's the border, what hurts and what is playing. So I could say that I've done a little good in here.
Jos en aiemmin kertonut tutustuin englannin oppilaideni kautta brittiläiseen Jessicaan, jonka kanssa olen viettänyt jonkin verran aikaa. Olen käynyt parina sunnuntaina hänen kanssaan Yewon kirkossa, jossa hänen kihlattunsa toimii pastorina. Viime viikolla kävin Jessican kanssa katsomassa The Hunger Games: Catching Fire ja tällä viikolla käytiin Jessican ja Davidin (Jessican kihlatun kämppäkaveri kirkon asuntolasta) sitten puolestaan katsomassa The Hobbit: Desolation of Smaug! Olin odottanut kyseisiä elokuvia niiiiiiiiin paljon ja voin tosiaan sanoa, ettei kumpikaan tuottanut pettymystä! Vietin myös viime viikonloppuna yhden yön Jessican luona, ja sain pitkästä aikaa kosketuksen keittiöön ja kokkasin kanapastaa koko kansalle. Vierailimme myös yhden philippiino ruovan syntymäpäivillä viikonlopun aikana. Sain myös perheeltäni joululahjaksi lipun ensiviikolla järjestettävään SHINeen konserttiin, jota odotan todella innolla, sillä SHINeen "areena"konsertti oli yksi asia jota toivoin näkeväni täällä ollessani.
If I didn't tell earlier my english students introduced me to a British girl Jessica and I've spended some time with her lately. I also went few times to Yewon church, Jessicas' fiance is working there. Last week I went to movies with Jessica to see the Hunger Games: Cathing Fire and this week we and David (Jessicas fiances' roommate at the churhc) went to see the Hobbit: Desolation of Smaug! I had waited to see both of those movies soooooo much and I can say that neither of them disappointed me! I also spend one night last weekend at Jessicas' and after a long time I got to cook, I made chicken past for everyone. We also visited a birthday party on the weekend. I also got a ticket to SHINees' concert as a christmas gift from my family. The concert is on next weekend and I'm really excited about it since one of my wishes to see here during the year was a "arena"concert of SHINee.
If I didn't tell earlier my english students introduced me to a British girl Jessica and I've spended some time with her lately. I also went few times to Yewon church, Jessicas' fiance is working there. Last week I went to movies with Jessica to see the Hunger Games: Cathing Fire and this week we and David (Jessicas fiances' roommate at the churhc) went to see the Hobbit: Desolation of Smaug! I had waited to see both of those movies soooooo much and I can say that neither of them disappointed me! I also spend one night last weekend at Jessicas' and after a long time I got to cook, I made chicken past for everyone. We also visited a birthday party on the weekend. I also got a ticket to SHINees' concert as a christmas gift from my family. The concert is on next weekend and I'm really excited about it since one of my wishes to see here during the year was a "arena"concert of SHINee.
Se tämän hetken kuulumisista. Olen siis viettänyt täällä melkein neljä kuukautta, kolmasosa on jo takana! Hullun nopeasti menee tämä aika, ja paljon olen ehtinyt vapaa-ajallanikin tehdä täällä ollessani. Vietin lokakuussa noin kahden viikon mittaisen loman kun ystäväni, Laura, tuli Koreaan vierailulle ystävänsä, Merin, kanssa. Vierailin tyttöjen kanssa muutamassa turistikohteessa ja rahaakin paloi suhteellisen paljon heidän täällä olleessaan. En kuitenkaan valita, sillä kyseinen "loma" oli todella mukava, ja eipähän tarvitse vierailla myöhemmin samaisissa turistikohteissa.
That's that. I've spended almost four months in here, the thirth is already behind! It's crazy how fast the times passes and also I've done a lot during my freetime. I spended almost a two week holiday on October when my friend, Laura, came to visit Korea with her friend, Meri. I visited few tourist places with them and also I happened to spend a lot of money during the time. But I'm not complaining because the holiday was really nice and of course I don't have to visit the attractions again.

That's that. I've spended almost four months in here, the thirth is already behind! It's crazy how fast the times passes and also I've done a lot during my freetime. I spended almost a two week holiday on October when my friend, Laura, came to visit Korea with her friend, Meri. I visited few tourist places with them and also I happened to spend a lot of money during the time. But I'm not complaining because the holiday was really nice and of course I don't have to visit the attractions again.
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