Juhlin kahdet juhlat syntymäpäiväni kunniaksi. Ensimmäinen juhla oli syntymäpäivääni edeltävänä viikonloppuna, jolloin söimme porukalla illallista kotona, jonka jälkeen osa meistä lähti karaokeen ja toinen puolisko lähti Hongdaeta kohti, johon karaoke porukkamme sitten liittyi myöhemmin. Kyseinen ilta ei kestänyt minulla pitkää, sillä olin väsynyt ja olin luvannut kaverilleni viedä hänet kotiin viimeistään kello kahdelta. Hän kun ei olisi muuten tullut mukaamme, mutta taksimatkan maksajana sain taivuteltua hänet mukaan. Toisen juhlan vietin varsinaisena syntymäpäivänäni, jolloin kävimme muutaman ystäväni kanssa illallisella ja sen jälkeen tarkoituksena oli mennä istumaan hiljaiseen kuppilaan muutamalle oluelle. Muutama olut kuitenkin muuttui vähän pidemmäksi istunnaksi ja päädyimme jälleen karaokeen ja kotiin pääsimme vasta aamun sarastaessa. Ilta oli hauska, ja mukava aloitus japanilaisen ystäväni vierailulle.
I enjoyed two parties in honor of my birthday. The first party was during the weekend before my birthday. We had a dinner with big group at home and after that we divided into two groups. The first group went to karaoke and the second group stayed at home. We decided to meet again later in Hongdae. I didn't stay up late too late that night because I had made a promise for my friend to take him home around 2 am. He wouldn't have joined us otherwise but I promised to pay the taxi back to home so he ended up coming. The second party was on my real birthday. I had a small group of friends with me for having dinner. Afterwards we went to a pub to have few beers but in the end we had few more beers and even later we went to karaoke for few hours. We ended up spending all night out, which was a lot of fun and also nice start for the visit of my japanese friend.

I enjoyed two parties in honor of my birthday. The first party was during the weekend before my birthday. We had a dinner with big group at home and after that we divided into two groups. The first group went to karaoke and the second group stayed at home. We decided to meet again later in Hongdae. I didn't stay up late too late that night because I had made a promise for my friend to take him home around 2 am. He wouldn't have joined us otherwise but I promised to pay the taxi back to home so he ended up coming. The second party was on my real birthday. I had a small group of friends with me for having dinner. Afterwards we went to a pub to have few beers but in the end we had few more beers and even later we went to karaoke for few hours. We ended up spending all night out, which was a lot of fun and also nice start for the visit of my japanese friend.

Ystäväni vietti Koreassa vain kolme päivää, joten aika kului nopeasti. Olin kuitenkin ottanut kyseisen ajan vapaaksi töistä, jotta voisimme nauttia ajasta mahdollisimman paljon. Paljoa me ei kuitenkaan tehty. Vierailimme Myeongdongilla molempina päivinä, sillä ystäväni halusi lähinnä vain shoppailla Koreassa. Vein hänet myös Dongdaemunille ja Namdaemunille shoppailemaan, mutta Myeongdong oli hänen suosikkinsa. Korealainen ystäväni vei meidät vierailemaan Seodaemunin vankilassa sekä hän opetti meitä pelaamaan Go-Stoppia. Saimme myös nauttia varsin herkullista ruokaa nimeltä Yeopki Tteokkbokki, joka on "todella" tulinen versio katukojuissa myytävälle tteokkbokkille. Japanilaisen ystäväni vieraillessa, ostimme vain normaalin version, joka ei todellakaan ollut kauhean tulinen mielestäni. Ostimme myöhemmin kuitenkin myös kaikista tulisimman version, joka oli sekin varsin herkullinen, mutta osoittautui petolliseksi, vedonlyönnin jälkeen. Kun sitä maisteli hitaasti niin tulisuus ei ollut paha, mutta vedonlyönnin johdosta yritin syödä annoksen viiteen minuuttiin ja kolmen minuutin jälkeen jo itkin verta ja suuta poltti niin paljon, etten pystynyt toteuttamaan haastetta loppuun.
My friend spended only few days in Korea so we didn't have so much time. I had taken the time off from work so that we could enjoy our time the fullest. Still we didn't do much. We visited Myeongdong, since my friend wanted to a lot of shopping. We also went to Dongdaemun and Namdaemun, but for shopping Myeongdong was her favorite. My korean friend took us to visit the Seodaemun prison and also he taught us how to play Go-Stop. We were also able to enjoy this really delicious food called Yeopki Tteokkbokki, which is a "extremely" spicy version for the tteokkbokki that they sell in street stalls. When my japanese friend was visiting here we only bought the normal version, which was not that spicy. Later that week we bought the most spicy version, which was quite delicious as well but ended up being a bad choice after a little bet. When you ate it slowly the spiciness was just ok but after I made the bet I had to eat a portion of it in five minutes but after three minutes of eating I was crying blood and my mouth was burning so much that I just couldn't continue until the end.
My friend spended only few days in Korea so we didn't have so much time. I had taken the time off from work so that we could enjoy our time the fullest. Still we didn't do much. We visited Myeongdong, since my friend wanted to a lot of shopping. We also went to Dongdaemun and Namdaemun, but for shopping Myeongdong was her favorite. My korean friend took us to visit the Seodaemun prison and also he taught us how to play Go-Stop. We were also able to enjoy this really delicious food called Yeopki Tteokkbokki, which is a "extremely" spicy version for the tteokkbokki that they sell in street stalls. When my japanese friend was visiting here we only bought the normal version, which was not that spicy. Later that week we bought the most spicy version, which was quite delicious as well but ended up being a bad choice after a little bet. When you ate it slowly the spiciness was just ok but after I made the bet I had to eat a portion of it in five minutes but after three minutes of eating I was crying blood and my mouth was burning so much that I just couldn't continue until the end.
Muitakin uusia herkullisia ruokatuttavuuksia olen tehnyt kuluineiden kuukausien aikana. Suurin osa ruoista mitä olen syönyt ovat olleet vanhoja tuttavuuksia, kuten samgyeopsal, friteerattu kana sekä bibimbab, mutta yksi uusi tuttavuus johon rakastuin on dakgalbi. Olen myös kokkaillut mitä mielenkiintoisempia settejä kotona. Viime aikoina olen syönyt paljon nuudeleita, ja perinteiseen makuun kyllästyneenä olen alkanut taikomaan nuudeleista kunnollisia aterioita lisäämällä niihin aina jotain mitä kaapista sattuu löytymään. Ehdoton suosikkini tähän mennessä on ollut nuudelit, munan, pekonin ja juuston kanssa. Sain myös taiottua makaroonilaatikon riisinkeittimessä, joka oli hyvin miellyttävä yllätys. Riisinkeitin reseptejä olen kokeillut suhteellisen paljon näiden kuukausien aikana eikä vielä kertaakaan mikään ole epäonnistunut. Riisinkeittimessä tekemäni omenapiirakka koki kovan suosion ja resepti on lähtenyt kiertämään myös muiden vapaaehtoisten korviin. Kokkailin myös kimchi jjigaeta ja tteokkbokkia kotosalla, ei tietenkään kummastakaan tullut niin herkullista kuin ravintolasta ostettuna, mutta ajan kanssa varmasti opin tekemään niistäkin varsin herkullisia!
During the past months I've found other delicious foods as well. Most of them are something that I've tried before like samgyeopsal, fried chicken and bibimbab, but one new food that I fell in love with is dakgalbi. I've also been cooking some weird foods at home. Lately I've been eating a lot of ramyun and since the normal taste is quite boring I've ended up mixing anything that I can find in the fridge to my noodles. The most favorite mixture of mine is noodles with eggs, bacon and cheese. I was also able to make macaroni casserole in the rice cooker which was quite pleasent surprise. I've tried many recipes in the ricecooker during the past months and none of them has not failed yet. The apple pie that I've made in the rice cooker was the most succesfull food and the recipe has traveled to the other volunteers as well. I also tried to make kimchi jjigae and tteokkbokki at home and I failed with both of them, but with a little practice I think I'm going to be able to make them delicious!

During the past months I've found other delicious foods as well. Most of them are something that I've tried before like samgyeopsal, fried chicken and bibimbab, but one new food that I fell in love with is dakgalbi. I've also been cooking some weird foods at home. Lately I've been eating a lot of ramyun and since the normal taste is quite boring I've ended up mixing anything that I can find in the fridge to my noodles. The most favorite mixture of mine is noodles with eggs, bacon and cheese. I was also able to make macaroni casserole in the rice cooker which was quite pleasent surprise. I've tried many recipes in the ricecooker during the past months and none of them has not failed yet. The apple pie that I've made in the rice cooker was the most succesfull food and the recipe has traveled to the other volunteers as well. I also tried to make kimchi jjigae and tteokkbokki at home and I failed with both of them, but with a little practice I think I'm going to be able to make them delicious!

Olen myös koukkuuntunut muutaman korealaiseen peliin. Toinen peleistä on korealainen korttipeli Go-Stop, hyvin suosittu peli vanhojen ihmisten keskuudessa, mutta ystävämme opetti meidät pelaamaan sitä. Nyt Go-Stop on asunnossamme melkein jokaisen illan huvite. Peli on todella monimutkainen, mutta kun yksinkertaisimmat säännöt oppii, ja pelaamassa on joku joka osaa laskea pisteitä, niin peli on todella hauska. Toinen peleistä onkin sitten huomattavasti yksinkertaisempi, Gonggi, jossa käytännössä heitetään viittä pientä "kiveä". Gonggi on huomattavasti yksinkertaisempi näistä kahdesta pelistä ja se on todella koukuttava, ensimmäistä kertaa kun pelasin sitä, niin harjoittelin varmaan kaksi tuntia putkeen, ennen kuin oli pakko lopettaa. Viime aikoina on myös tullut vietettyä muutamat tunnit karaokessa, en koskaan kuvitellut, että nauttisin siitä niin paljon. Mutta selvinpäin tai humalassa, aina on hauskaa. Karaoken ansiosta myös korean ääntämiseni on parantunut huimasti, sekä lukemistaito, sillä tietenkin korealaisia lauluja laulaessa on pakko myös pystyä lukemaan sanat. Ilsanissakin kun on tullut vietettyä suhteellisen paljon aikaa niin biljardi ja tikanheitto ovat myös tulleet läheiseksi minulle viime kuukausien aikana. Vierailimme myös viime viikolla ystävien kanssa peliluolassa ja pääsin pitkästä aikaa hakkaamaan Tekkeniä. Harmittaa, että tajusin peliluolien olemassaolon vasta vähän aikaa sitten, sillä nyt ei ole enää niin kauheasti aikaa jäljellä nauttia Tekkenin saloista.
I've become addicted with few korean games. The other of these ones is Go-Stop, popular game between old people, and our friend taught us how to play it. Now Go-Stop is played almost every night in our apartment. The game is quite complicated, but once you learn the easiest rules, and there's someone playing who can count the points, the game is really fun. The other game is much more simple, Gonggi, which is basically a game with five "stones". Gonggi is way more easier of these two games and it's really addictive. When I played it for the first time I ended up practicing for over two hours when I finally decided to quit it. Lately I've went to karaoke a lot and I never tought I would enjoy it that much. Still it doesn't matter if I'm sober or drunk I still enjoy myself always. Thanks to karaoke my korean pronounciation has improved a lot and also reading skills, since while singing korean songs you have to know how to read the lyrics. All the time that I've spended in Ilsan has made me play a lot of biljard and darts as well. We also visited came arcade last week with few friends and after a long time I was able to play Tekken. I'm little sad that I realised the arcades just a while ago, because now there's not that much time to enjoy Tekken.

I've become addicted with few korean games. The other of these ones is Go-Stop, popular game between old people, and our friend taught us how to play it. Now Go-Stop is played almost every night in our apartment. The game is quite complicated, but once you learn the easiest rules, and there's someone playing who can count the points, the game is really fun. The other game is much more simple, Gonggi, which is basically a game with five "stones". Gonggi is way more easier of these two games and it's really addictive. When I played it for the first time I ended up practicing for over two hours when I finally decided to quit it. Lately I've went to karaoke a lot and I never tought I would enjoy it that much. Still it doesn't matter if I'm sober or drunk I still enjoy myself always. Thanks to karaoke my korean pronounciation has improved a lot and also reading skills, since while singing korean songs you have to know how to read the lyrics. All the time that I've spended in Ilsan has made me play a lot of biljard and darts as well. We also visited came arcade last week with few friends and after a long time I was able to play Tekken. I'm little sad that I realised the arcades just a while ago, because now there's not that much time to enjoy Tekken.

Olen viime päivät juossut vähän suuntaan jos toiseenkin, joka päivä on ollut täynnä tekemistä. Vapaapäivistä kun saa nauttia niin ollaan kavereiden kanssa tehty todella paljon asioita viime päivien aikana. Kirjoittelen noista juhlapyhistä oman merkintänsä vähän myöhemmin, sillä tosiaan tekemistä riitti ja kuvia tuli otettua turhankin paljon, joten haluan pyhittää niille päiville oman merkintänsä. Tietenkin kun kyseiset päivät ovat vielä muistissa suhteellisen hyvin niin niistä on tietenkin myös helpompi kirjoittaa vähän yksityiskohtaisemmin. Yritän nyt viimeisien viikkojen ajan päivitellä blogia hieman useammin, aina ajan salliessa!
The past days I've been running back and forth, since every day we've had a lot of things to do. Since we wanted to enjoy our holidays with friends we have done a lot. I will write about the holidays own post because as I said we did a lot and also I took too many photos, so I want to make it easier for myself and make independent post about those days. Also since the past days are still in the surface of my memory it's easier to write about them more detailed. I will try to update more ofthen during the last weeks, at least always when I have the time for it!
The past days I've been running back and forth, since every day we've had a lot of things to do. Since we wanted to enjoy our holidays with friends we have done a lot. I will write about the holidays own post because as I said we did a lot and also I took too many photos, so I want to make it easier for myself and make independent post about those days. Also since the past days are still in the surface of my memory it's easier to write about them more detailed. I will try to update more ofthen during the last weeks, at least always when I have the time for it!
Mou! Löysin sun blogin tuolta jostain maailmanvaihto sivulta ja tykkäsin lueskella :)) ajattelin itekki hakee e-koreaan vapaaehtoseks! Miten helppoo oli sun hakeminen sinne? katoin niiden sivuja nii ei saanu ees englanniks niiit sivui x__x entä oliko paljon ylimäärästä rahamenoo?
ReplyDeleteMoikka, kirjoittelin tossa aiemmin Q&A merkinnän joista saa aika hyvin vastauksia sun kysymyksiin :) Käy ihmeessä tsekkaamassa se ja kertoilr sitten jos jäi jotain epäselväksi :)