Ehti taas yli kuukausi vierähtää viime päivityksestä (ja kaksi kuukautta siitä kun postailin mitään suurempia kuulumisia...) vaikka lupailinkin päivitellä useammin! Pahoittelut siitä, kuluneet puolitoista kuukautta ovat olleet turhan kiireisiä. Paljon on ehtinyt tapahtumaan, tapaamisia on ollut paljon, töissä on ollut kiirettä... Olen myös sairastanut tästä vuodesta noin kolme viikkoa todella sitkeää flunssaa, joten meni myös kuukauden päivät siihen, että lepäsin kaiken vapaa-aikani. Nyt olen jo kuitenkin parantumaan päin yli 20 lääkärin määräämään pilleripussin ja muutaman apteekista hakemani omahoito lääkepaketin avustuksella.
Again it's over a month since the last update (and already two months has passed since I've wrote anything big...) even though I promised to update more often! I'm sorry about this matter, but the past 6 weeks has been too busy. A lot has happened, I've had many meetings, work is busy as well.... I got an awful cold over three weeks ago so I was just basically sleeping all my freetime. Now I'm finally getting a little better, after eating over twenty bags of prescription medicine and few packs of cold medicine from the pharmacy.
Again it's over a month since the last update (and already two months has passed since I've wrote anything big...) even though I promised to update more often! I'm sorry about this matter, but the past 6 weeks has been too busy. A lot has happened, I've had many meetings, work is busy as well.... I got an awful cold over three weeks ago so I was just basically sleeping all my freetime. Now I'm finally getting a little better, after eating over twenty bags of prescription medicine and few packs of cold medicine from the pharmacy.
Joten nyt siispä aloitetaan tämän vuoden ensimmäinen teksipostaus suurehkolla uutisella! Viime kuun vaihteessa saimme jättää hyvästit hotelli- ja matkalaukkuelämälle, kun pakkasimme puolen vuoden kotimme kasaan ja muutimme. Olemme päässeet asettumaan aloillemme pieneen, mutta ihanaan (ja keittiön, sekä pyykkituvan omaavaan) asuntoon, rauhalliselle alueelle pienen mäen varrelle. Alue on nimeltään Hongje, ja se sijaitsee noin 20 minuutin bussimatkan päässä Jongnosta. Sijainti on todella mukava sillä täällä on rauhallista, vaikka asummekin moottoritien vieressä, mutta emme ole enää kaupungin sydämessä, joka ei nuku vuorokauden ajasta riippumatta.
So let's begin the New Years first proper post with a quite big news! In the end of last month we were allowed to finally say good bye to the life in hotel and suitcase. We packed up our life from last 6 motnhs and moved to a new place. We have now settled down in a little, but lovely apartment in a calm area. The apartment has kitchen and laundry machine, omg! The apartmen is located near Hongje, which is located around 20 minutes bus drive away from Jongno. We live next to a high way, but still it's peaceful and quiet around our home. Also we're not living anymore in a area which never sleeps, which is really comforting.
So let's begin the New Years first proper post with a quite big news! In the end of last month we were allowed to finally say good bye to the life in hotel and suitcase. We packed up our life from last 6 motnhs and moved to a new place. We have now settled down in a little, but lovely apartment in a calm area. The apartment has kitchen and laundry machine, omg! The apartmen is located near Hongje, which is located around 20 minutes bus drive away from Jongno. We live next to a high way, but still it's peaceful and quiet around our home. Also we're not living anymore in a area which never sleeps, which is really comforting.
Tosiaan tässä ihmetellään kauheasti kuinka aika on kulunut. Porukkamme pieneni kun puolet vapaaehtoisista lopettivat työnsä (osa palasi jo kotiin, osa jäi vielä Koreaan tutkiskelemaan) ja uudet tulokkaat saapuivat Koreaan. Vähän vajaa kuusi kuukautta sitten tänne siis saavuimme, hulluahan se on kun ajattelee, että kulunut aika ei todellakaan tunnu niin pitkältä, mutta tottahan se on. Olen kuitenkin todella onnellinen siitä, että päätin lähteä vuodeksi, koska en todellaakaan olisi vielä valmis palaamaan kotiin. Vaikkakin vastoinkäymisiä, stressiä ja huolia on riittänyt on silti elämäni täällä ollut todella upeaa enkä kadu hetkeäkään.
Definitely we have been thinking where all this time has gone. Our group got smaller when half of the old volunteers finished their job (some of them returned home already and some are still in Korea) and also the new volunteers have arrived to Korea. Six months has passed since we came here, it's crazy to think about the time since it definitely doesn't feel that long at all. I'm really happy at this moment that I decided to come for one year, because I'm not ready to leave, not just yet. Of course there has been many misfortunes, stress and worries about everything, still my life has been great in here and I don't regret a moment in here.
Definitely we have been thinking where all this time has gone. Our group got smaller when half of the old volunteers finished their job (some of them returned home already and some are still in Korea) and also the new volunteers have arrived to Korea. Six months has passed since we came here, it's crazy to think about the time since it definitely doesn't feel that long at all. I'm really happy at this moment that I decided to come for one year, because I'm not ready to leave, not just yet. Of course there has been many misfortunes, stress and worries about everything, still my life has been great in here and I don't regret a moment in here.
Kuten jo kerroinkin kauheasti on ehtinyt tapahtumaan, enkä nyt ole varma, että mistä sitä edes kertoisi. Tietenkin haluaisin kirjoittaa kaikesta, mitä on tapahtunut, mutta voin kertoa, että siitä tulisi turhan pitkä romaani, joten taidan tyytyä yksinkertaisesti siihen, että tiivistän viime kuukausien kohokohdat. Olen saanut kuluneiden kuukausien aikana muutamia korealaisia ystäviä ja olen myös kehittynyt kielessä huimasti (tämä voi kyllä johtua siitä, että vihdoin sain itseeni kunnollisen motivaation ja olen alkanut opiskelemaan kunnolla) ja sekin on alkanut helpottamaan elämää suhteellisen paljon. Myös se, että asunnossamme on keittiö on todella upea lisä elämiseen, sillä jokapäiväinen leipämme ei enää koostu vain kimchistä ja riisistä!
As I already said there's been a lot going on on lately, so I'm not even sure what I should talk about. Of course I would love to write about everything but I'm pretty sure it would turn out as a too long book so I'm just going to stick with the highlights of the last months. I've got many Korean friends lately and I've also got better in korean (of course the fact that I finally got motivation to study could affect this matter) so also that has made my life a little more easier here. Also the fact that we have a kitchen now is an awesome extra for our life, since our everyday meals doesn't consider only rice and kimchi anymore!
As I already said there's been a lot going on on lately, so I'm not even sure what I should talk about. Of course I would love to write about everything but I'm pretty sure it would turn out as a too long book so I'm just going to stick with the highlights of the last months. I've got many Korean friends lately and I've also got better in korean (of course the fact that I finally got motivation to study could affect this matter) so also that has made my life a little more easier here. Also the fact that we have a kitchen now is an awesome extra for our life, since our everyday meals doesn't consider only rice and kimchi anymore!
Aloitetaan siis joulukuusta, kun sieltä ne viimeisimmät päivittämättömät kuulumiset ovat. Vierailin Denisen kanssa Joulun ja Uuden Vuoden välissä olevana viikonloppuna Jeonju nimisessä kaupungissa lounais-Koreassa noin kolmen tunnin ajomatkan päässä Seoulista. Saimme ilmaiset bussiliput kyseiselle reissulle, joten emme viitsineet väsymyksestä huolimatta kyseistä reissua jättää väliin. Matka alkoi ennen kahdeksaa aamulla ja päättyi illalla kuuden pintaan. Päivä oli mukava, eksyimme useaan kertaan, mutta löysimme myös paljon outoja ja upeita asioita harhateiltämme, joten pienet "oikotiet" eivät haitanneet päiväämme.
Let's start from December since that's the last time I wrote anything. I visited in Jeonju with Denise during the weekend between Christmas and New Years. Jeonju is a town located in southwest Korea about three hours drive away fron Seoul. Due to the matter of fact that we got the tickets for free we didn't want to skip the trip even that we were really tired that weekend. The trip started before eight o'clock in the morning and finished a little after sic in the evening. The day was nice and we got lost few times but during our misadventures we found many cool stuff so the shortcuts didn't bother us that much.
Let's start from December since that's the last time I wrote anything. I visited in Jeonju with Denise during the weekend between Christmas and New Years. Jeonju is a town located in southwest Korea about three hours drive away fron Seoul. Due to the matter of fact that we got the tickets for free we didn't want to skip the trip even that we were really tired that weekend. The trip started before eight o'clock in the morning and finished a little after sic in the evening. The day was nice and we got lost few times but during our misadventures we found many cool stuff so the shortcuts didn't bother us that much.
Vierailimme Jeonjun eläintarhassa, joka oli todella suuri, mutta siellä ei ollut kovinkaan montaa ihmistä lisäksemme, eläimillä oli aivan liian pienet häkit ja muutenkin koko paikka oli todella masentava. Jeonju on tunnettu bibimbapistaan, mutta päädyimme syömään tonkatsua, sillä nälän yllättäessä emme löytäneet aiemmin löytämäämme ravintolaa. Tähänkään ei maailma kaadu, voimme aina vierailla jossakin ravintolassa Seoulissa sitä syömässä jos haluamme. Reissu oli myös pieni tauko elämästä Seoulissa ja siinäkin mielessä se oli todella virkistävä. Olihan se myös yksi muisto ja kokemus lisää tälle vuodelle!
We also visited the zoo which was an awful experience. The zoo was huge, but there was not that many people around also the cages for the animals were way too small and also the whole place was really depressing. Jeonju is well know of the dish called bibimbap but we ended up eating tonkatsu, since we couldn't find the restaurants we had check out online in advance. Of course our life didn't end because of that and we can always go to eat Jeonju bibimbap in a restaurant in Seoul if we feel like eating it. The trip was a fun take off from our lives in Seoul so it was quite refreshing. Also it was one new memory and experience for this year!
Joulu ja Uusi Vuosi olivat suhteellisen mitäänsanomattomat kokemukset. Molempien "juhlien" aikana meillä oli yksi vapaapäivä ja ne tuli vietettyä kavereiden kanssa. Jouluaattona kävimme vapaaehtoisporukalla syömässä vähän turhankin täyttävän illallisen. Joulupäivänä vierailin ystäväni kirkossa seuraamassa Joulun jumalanpalveluksen ja illan vietimme isolla porukalla Myeongdongilla koirakahvilassa. Uuden vuoden aattona meidän oli tarkoitus lähteä juhlimaan porukalla, itse en kuitenkaan ollut sen suuremmalla juhlatuulella, joten menin vain seuraksi holhoamaan ystäviäni ja siinähän se tammikuun ensimmäinen päivä tuli vietettyä hotellilla, kun kaikki muut potivat krapulaansa. Uutena Vuotena jäin kyllä kaipaamaan rakettien pauketta. Näimme tasan sen verran rakettaja, koska Jongro oli suljettu kellonsoiton johdosta, kun korealaiset innostuivat leikkimään roomalaisilla kynttilöillä. Kadulla oli myös kansantanssiryhmiä, sekä rumpusoittajia isot laumat, sekä tietenkin kansa oli alkoholisoituneempaa kuin normaalisti.
Christmas and New Years were quite boring in here. Both times we had only one day off and those I spended with my friends. On Christmas Eve we went to eat outside a little to filling dinner with all the volunteers. The next day was off from work and I visited my friends church also we went to dog cafe in Myeongdong on the evening with a little bigger group than usually. On New Years we were supposed to go party with the volunteer group, but I wasn't in a party mood so I ended up going for only few hours to take care of my friends. And so we spended the first day of the new year in the hotel, where most of us were suffering from hangover. The only fireworks we saw on New Years were the few roman candles that people were "shooting" on the street of Jongno, which was closed due to a bell ringing. The street was packed up with some folk dancers, drum players and drunken people during the midnight, but after one the street was opened for traffic again.
Christmas and New Years were quite boring in here. Both times we had only one day off and those I spended with my friends. On Christmas Eve we went to eat outside a little to filling dinner with all the volunteers. The next day was off from work and I visited my friends church also we went to dog cafe in Myeongdong on the evening with a little bigger group than usually. On New Years we were supposed to go party with the volunteer group, but I wasn't in a party mood so I ended up going for only few hours to take care of my friends. And so we spended the first day of the new year in the hotel, where most of us were suffering from hangover. The only fireworks we saw on New Years were the few roman candles that people were "shooting" on the street of Jongno, which was closed due to a bell ringing. The street was packed up with some folk dancers, drum players and drunken people during the midnight, but after one the street was opened for traffic again.
Tammikuu tosiaan tuli ja meni todella nopeasti. Podin pahaisia sairaspäiviä monta, milloin oli niin paha migreeni, etten päässyt sängyn pohjalta mihinkään, sitten olikin hillittömät kuumeaallot ja nyt tämä viimeisin ihana kolme viikkoa kestänyt flunssa, joka nyt vieläkin vaivaa siinä mielessä, että yskin, mutta muuten olen jo parempaan päin. Vietin paljon aikaa ystävieni kanssa, muutimme, jätimme jäähyväisiä sekä töissä oli todella paljon tekemistä ja ylimääräisiä tapaamisia varsinaisten työvuorojeni lisäksi.
January came and went by really fast. I spended many sick days from work with all different reasons. Sometimes I had so bad migraine that I couldn't even get out of the bed, then I had some weird fever seizures and now I've that this lovely cold for the past few weeks. I still have it, but I've got a lot better, since the only symptomp I have anymore is the cough. I also spended a lot of time with my friends, we moved, said good byes also I had a lot of work and extra meetings during my workdays.
January came and went by really fast. I spended many sick days from work with all different reasons. Sometimes I had so bad migraine that I couldn't even get out of the bed, then I had some weird fever seizures and now I've that this lovely cold for the past few weeks. I still have it, but I've got a lot better, since the only symptomp I have anymore is the cough. I also spended a lot of time with my friends, we moved, said good byes also I had a lot of work and extra meetings during my workdays.
Vietimme myös puolivuotisleirimme Ilsanissa sijaitsevassa YMCAn leirintäkeskuksessa. Leiri oli kahdenpäivän mittainen irtiotto arjesta. Saimme palata myös lapsuuteen, kun leirintäkeskuksen takapihalle oli rakennettu pulkkamäki tekolumella. Koko kaksi päivää oli lähinnä hauskanpitoa, muutamia tunteja lukuunottamatta, mitkä vietimme ringissä puhuen, mutta jotenkin myös juttelutuokiot eivät pysyneet tylsinä. Jokseenkin huvittavaa kuinka paljon juttua riitti, vaikka näemmekin toisemme päivittäin. Tietenkin myös saimme viettää jälleen kerran viime leiriltä tutun Ystävyyden yön, jota suurinosa katui seuraavana aamuna. Leirikeskuksen ruokatarjoilu oli aivan taivaallinen neljän kuukauden hotelliruoan jälkeen ja ehdotimmekin Mr. Kimille, että voisimmeko ottaa keittäjän mukaan hotellille kokkailemaan meille lisää herkullista ruokaa, mutta nythän toive on jo turha, kun asumme omassa kodissa. Toisena päivänä kävimme suhteellisen hienossa barbeque ravintolassa syömässä maittavan lounaan.
We also spended our half year camp in a campsite of YMCA which was located in Ilsan. The camp was only two days, but still it was two days free from work. We were also allowed to return to our childhood since there was opportunity to go sledding in a fake snow hill. The two days were basically just having fun, expect for few hours, which we spended in a ring talking, but somehow we were able to keep the talking interesting as well. It's somehow funny how much we had stuff to say even that we see each other every day. Of course we could spend also the Night of Friendship on this camp as well, and most of us did regret it on the next morning. The food in the campsite was awesome, especially after eating the hotel food for four months straight and we actually did ask from Mr. Kim if we could steal the cafeteria lady to hotel, but of course now it's useless request. On the second day we had really delicious lunch in a quite cool bbq restaurant.
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