Nyt kun olen parantunut kielen suhteen, pystyn kommunikoimaan paremmin työkavereideni ja oppilaideni kanssa, mikä oikeasti helpottaa työtäni suuresti. Taisin jo viime postauksessa sanoa, kuinka töissä on alkanut sujumaan jo täydellisesti, mutta nyt voin oikeasti sanoa sen. Joka päivä tuntuu aina paremmalta, vaikka on olemassa päiviä jolloin tekisi mieli pistää pillit pussiin ja lähteä takaisin kotiin, mutta suurin osa päivistä kuitenkin kulkee aina positiivissa merkeissä. Lapset eivät enää kutsu minua opettajaksi, työkaverini eivät pidä asiasta, mutta itselleni se on helpotus, sillä nyt tunnen oloni hyväksytyksi heidän seurassaan: olen heidän ystävänsä, enkä vain opettaja.
Now that I've started to improve with the language it has become so much easier to communicate with my coworkers and students, which also makes working much easier. I think I already said last time that it's going perfect at work, but really now it's the time to finally say it. Every day feels better even when there's days that makes me want to return home but mostly the days flows by nicely. Also my students don't call me teacher anymore which has made my coworkers a little angry but it's a relief for me, since now I finally feel like they have accepted me: I'm not a teacher for them, but I'm their friend.
Now that I've started to improve with the language it has become so much easier to communicate with my coworkers and students, which also makes working much easier. I think I already said last time that it's going perfect at work, but really now it's the time to finally say it. Every day feels better even when there's days that makes me want to return home but mostly the days flows by nicely. Also my students don't call me teacher anymore which has made my coworkers a little angry but it's a relief for me, since now I finally feel like they have accepted me: I'm not a teacher for them, but I'm their friend.
Tosiaan mainitsin tuossa aiemmin, että on ollut ylimääräistä ohjelmaa töissä myös varsinaisten tuntieni lisäksi. Kyseessä ei onneksi ole ylityöt, mutta järjestelyjä ne aina vaativat. Olen alkanut pitää uutta tuntia, vapaakeskustelua yläasteikäisille oppilaille, jonka on tarkoitus olla mukava tapa opiskella englantia. Tällä hetkellä ryhmässäni on vain neljä oppilasta, mutta enempää eivät toiset opettajat halunneet minulle antaa, sillä he toivoivat, että voisin auttaa oppilaita myös tuntien ulkopuolella. Tämä toive nyt vähän on kariutunut sillä vain yksi oppilaista on aktiivinen ja tulee jokaiselle tunnille, kun muut ovat käyneet tunneilla vain kahdesti. Kirjaston tarinatuntini sai päätöksen vuoden vaihteessa, en tiedä miksi, eikä syytä minulle koskaan kerrottu, mutta kuulemma jos aikovat uuden pistää pystyyn niin haluavat minut jälleen opettajaksi. En kyllä kovin usko, että he laittavat uutta tuntia pystyyn ennen vapaaehtoisvuoteni päätöstä.
As I said a little earlier I've had extra program at work. Luckily I'm not talking about working extra hours, even that the meetings needs preparations in advance. One of the new tasks is a free talking class for high school students. The class is supposed to be a fun way to learn english for them. At this moment I have four students in there, since the other teachers didn't want too many kids to join the class in hope for me to share also some of my freetime with the kids. This wish has died quite fast, since only one of my students is joining the class everytime, the others came twice and has disappeared after that. The story telling class in library finished in the end of the year, for some reason which no one didn't want to tell me about, but they also said that they would start a new one during the spring. I doubt it that they will make any classes anymore to the library during my voluntary year but we will see.

As I said a little earlier I've had extra program at work. Luckily I'm not talking about working extra hours, even that the meetings needs preparations in advance. One of the new tasks is a free talking class for high school students. The class is supposed to be a fun way to learn english for them. At this moment I have four students in there, since the other teachers didn't want too many kids to join the class in hope for me to share also some of my freetime with the kids. This wish has died quite fast, since only one of my students is joining the class everytime, the others came twice and has disappeared after that. The story telling class in library finished in the end of the year, for some reason which no one didn't want to tell me about, but they also said that they would start a new one during the spring. I doubt it that they will make any classes anymore to the library during my voluntary year but we will see.

Englannin oppilaani saivat kuulla tuosta vapaakeskustelu tunnistani ja he päättivät pistää pystyyn omansa. Tarkoituksena on että käyn heidän kanssaan kerran kuussa lounastamassa, parin tunnin ajan, joka kerta vierailemme eri oppilaan kotona, ja suunnitelma olisi, että keskustelisimme aina vain englanniksi. Viime kerralla, joka oli ensimmäinen kerta, kuitenkin huomasimme jo, että suunnitelma ei toimi kovin hyvin, sillä vain kolme oppilaista puhuvat suhteellista englantia, ja jossakin vaiheessa mummojen mielet menevät solmuun ja he alkavat jatkamaan keskustelua aiheesta koreaksi. Tämähän ei toisaalta minua haittaa, saan maittavan lounaan ja mukavaa seuraa, sillä pidän todella mummoistani, sekä tietenkin kuulen koreaa. He ovat sentään sen verran ystävällisiä puhuessaan koreaa, että he artikuloivat todella selkeästi ja puhuvat hitaasti, joten pysyn edes osan aikaa kartalla mistä keskustellaan milläkin hetkellä.
My english students found out about the free talking class and they decided to make their own one. The idea is to have a few hours long lunch with them once a month. Everytime we're supposed to visit someones home and the plan is of course to speak in english all the time. Last time, which was also the first time, we already noticed that the english speaking plan is not going to work about since only three of the grannys know english decently and the others just little. So in the end they start the conversation in english but after few sentences they turn it into korean and continue that way. Of course I don't mind about it that much since I get a good lunch and also fun company, since I really like my students, and also I hear korean while having the lunch. My students are kind while they speak korean, since they speak really clearly and slowly so I can keep up with the conversation somehow if I happen to understand some of their talk.
My english students found out about the free talking class and they decided to make their own one. The idea is to have a few hours long lunch with them once a month. Everytime we're supposed to visit someones home and the plan is of course to speak in english all the time. Last time, which was also the first time, we already noticed that the english speaking plan is not going to work about since only three of the grannys know english decently and the others just little. So in the end they start the conversation in english but after few sentences they turn it into korean and continue that way. Of course I don't mind about it that much since I get a good lunch and also fun company, since I really like my students, and also I hear korean while having the lunch. My students are kind while they speak korean, since they speak really clearly and slowly so I can keep up with the conversation somehow if I happen to understand some of their talk.

Sain vanhemmiltani joululahjaksi lipun SHINeen The Wizard konserttiin, joka järjestittiin KINTEXissä Ilsanissa SM TOWN Weekin yhteydessä. Matkasimme konserttipaikalle Denisen kanssa ja vietimme siellä muutaman tunnin keskenämme, ennen kuin Denise palasi takaisin hotellille ja jäin yksinäni odottelemaan konsertin alkua. Ennen konserttia SM Rookiet esiintyivät kolmessa ryhmässä ja sitten oli illan päätähden vuoro. Konsertti kesti vajaat kolme tuntia ja oli todella tunteellinen kokemus. En ole aiemmin vieraillut areenakonsertissa (lukuunottamatta vuosia sitten tapahtunutta Iron Maidenin konserttia Hartwall Areenalla), joten kokemus oli todellakin erilainen verrattuna aiempiin keikkoihini. Halli oli melkein loppuunmyyty: tunnelma oli alusta loppuun katossa ja yleisö oli täysillä mukana heti ensi sekunneista lähtien. Olen aiemmin vieraillut keikoilla Japanissa, Suomessa, Ranskassa sekä Saksassa ja voin todeta, että vaikka Euroopan keikat ovat olleet samankaltaisia toistensa kanssa niin Aasian maiden keikat ovat eronneet toisistaan totaalisesti (voi myös johtua musiikkityylistäkin tietenkin). Joka tapauksessa sain vapaaehtoisvuoden "to do" listaltani yhden kohdan taas yliviivattua.
I got tickets to SHINees' The Wizard concert as a christmas present from my parents. The concert was part of the SM TOWN Week which was held in KINTEX in Ilsan. I went to the area with Denise and we spended few fun hours there before she left back to hotel and I was waiting for the concert to start. Before the real thing the SM Rookies had three group performances. The concert took about three hours and it was an emotional experience. I have never been in a arena concert before (if we don't count the Iron Maidens' concert in Hartwall Arena many years ago) so the concert was totally different from the ones I have been before. The hall was almost sold out: the atmosphere was in the roof from the beginning and the audience was having a blast from the first seconds. I've been in concerts in Japan, Finland, France and Germany before this one and I really can say that even when the concerts in Europe are somehow the same the ones in Asia are totally different from each other (of course the music genre also matters in this fact...). Anyway I could again strikethrough one of my things in the "to do" list for the voluntary year.

I got tickets to SHINees' The Wizard concert as a christmas present from my parents. The concert was part of the SM TOWN Week which was held in KINTEX in Ilsan. I went to the area with Denise and we spended few fun hours there before she left back to hotel and I was waiting for the concert to start. Before the real thing the SM Rookies had three group performances. The concert took about three hours and it was an emotional experience. I have never been in a arena concert before (if we don't count the Iron Maidens' concert in Hartwall Arena many years ago) so the concert was totally different from the ones I have been before. The hall was almost sold out: the atmosphere was in the roof from the beginning and the audience was having a blast from the first seconds. I've been in concerts in Japan, Finland, France and Germany before this one and I really can say that even when the concerts in Europe are somehow the same the ones in Asia are totally different from each other (of course the music genre also matters in this fact...). Anyway I could again strikethrough one of my things in the "to do" list for the voluntary year.

Nyt kun tässä puhuin jo vähän fanityttöilystä niin mainittakoon vielä sekin, että kävin tammikuussa Royal Pirates nimisen yhtyeen fansign eventissä. Fansign järjestettiin Gimpon lentokentän vieressä olevassa Lotte kauppakeskuksessa, tuttu ympäristö kun viikottain siellä käyskentelen. Kyseinen yhtye ei ole kauhean tunnettu vielä suuremmalle yleisölle, joten tilaisuudessa oli alle 50 ihmistä ja suurin osa oli ulkomaalaisia. Tietenkin tapahtumalle oli aikaa varattu tunti, joten faneilla oli noin 5-10 minuuttiin aikaa viettää pöydän ääressä bändin jäsenien kanssa keskusteluun. Mikä siis tarkoitti paria minuuttia kaikkia kolmea jäsentä kohtaan. Sinänsä kyseinen tapahtuma oli huvittava, kun herrojen (rumpalin ja vokalisti/kitaristin) covereita kolmisen vuotta sitten aloin kuuntelemaan YouTubesta ja nyt heillä on vihdoinkin basisti, jonkinlainen fanikanta ja kaksi levyäkin jo ulkona. Kokemuksenaan fansign oli kiva, varsinkin kun kyseessä oli pienempi yhtye ja jäsenet kun ovat amerikan korealaisia, niin kaikki puhuivat täydellistä englantia, joten kommunikaatio ongelmiakaan ei ollut. (Voisin tietenkin mainita järkyttävän huonon kuuloni, joten suurin osa ajastani meni siihen, että jouduin pyytämään herroja toistamaan sanomansa noin viisi kertaa ennen kuin ymmärsin aina asian, noloa!)
Now that I've already talked a little about fangirling I can mention that I also went to a fansign event of Royal Pirates in January. Fansign was held in Lotte Mall next to Gimpo Airport so the place was really pleasent for me since I know that area really well. This group is still not so well known in Korea so there was only about 50 person in the event and most of us were foreigners. The reserved time for the event was one hour long so all the fans ended up having around 10 minutes to spend with the band. Which meant few minutes with every person. Somehow it was really amusing event for me since I've been listening to their (the drummer and vocalist/guitarist) covers in YouTube for few years and now they finally have a basist, somekind of a fanbase and also two mini-albums. The event itself was nice to experience, as specially when it was a small groups event and also because the guys are americankoreans, so they speak fluent english, so there was no language barrier either. (Of course I can say that my bad hearing was a real problem since I had to all the time ask them to repeat whatever they were saying, which was somehow little embrassing!)
Aiomme mennä katsomaan yhden keikan Hongdaehen ensi kuun alussa. Kyseessä on neljän indie rock yhtyeen (The Breeze, Human Race, ICYCIDER ja Royal Pirates) keikka, joten olen enemmänkin kuin innoissani, sillä siitä on jo tovi kun olen käynyt kunnon indie keikalla viimeksi. Kyseistä adrealiiniavirtaa on ollut ikävä jo jonkin aikaa, enkä malta odottaa sitä hetkeä kun jälleen sen koen! (Ajattelin, ettei minulla olisi mahdollisuutta päästä kokemaan kyseistä fiilistä Koreassa, mutta olin väärässä!)
We're going in the beginning of March to a indie rock concert, including four different bands (The Breeze, Human Race, ICYCIDER and Royal Pirates) in Hongdae which I'm really excited about since it's been a while since I've went to an indie group concert. The adrealine rush you get on concert is a feeling that I've missed a while so I'm looking forward on having that feeling again! (I though that I wouldn't get a change to have that kind of feeling in Korea, but apparently I was wrong!)
Now that I've already talked a little about fangirling I can mention that I also went to a fansign event of Royal Pirates in January. Fansign was held in Lotte Mall next to Gimpo Airport so the place was really pleasent for me since I know that area really well. This group is still not so well known in Korea so there was only about 50 person in the event and most of us were foreigners. The reserved time for the event was one hour long so all the fans ended up having around 10 minutes to spend with the band. Which meant few minutes with every person. Somehow it was really amusing event for me since I've been listening to their (the drummer and vocalist/guitarist) covers in YouTube for few years and now they finally have a basist, somekind of a fanbase and also two mini-albums. The event itself was nice to experience, as specially when it was a small groups event and also because the guys are americankoreans, so they speak fluent english, so there was no language barrier either. (Of course I can say that my bad hearing was a real problem since I had to all the time ask them to repeat whatever they were saying, which was somehow little embrassing!)

Aiomme mennä katsomaan yhden keikan Hongdaehen ensi kuun alussa. Kyseessä on neljän indie rock yhtyeen (The Breeze, Human Race, ICYCIDER ja Royal Pirates) keikka, joten olen enemmänkin kuin innoissani, sillä siitä on jo tovi kun olen käynyt kunnon indie keikalla viimeksi. Kyseistä adrealiiniavirtaa on ollut ikävä jo jonkin aikaa, enkä malta odottaa sitä hetkeä kun jälleen sen koen! (Ajattelin, ettei minulla olisi mahdollisuutta päästä kokemaan kyseistä fiilistä Koreassa, mutta olin väärässä!)
We're going in the beginning of March to a indie rock concert, including four different bands (The Breeze, Human Race, ICYCIDER and Royal Pirates) in Hongdae which I'm really excited about since it's been a while since I've went to an indie group concert. The adrealine rush you get on concert is a feeling that I've missed a while so I'm looking forward on having that feeling again! (I though that I wouldn't get a change to have that kind of feeling in Korea, but apparently I was wrong!)
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